i need u dear , i need uuuuuuuuuuuuuu . all of u... !!! i miss u larghhh haizzzz... da la pas nieyh masing2 bz ngan final amali.. so susa la nk meet agy.. adessss fokus2 yan ngan study ko tuh dulu... ehehehee =.=
dunno why lol . my heart always broken . damn it ! everyone that i love leave me . why huh ? semua nk rampas kan ? da x der kwn da ker huh ?! u think about it largh ! hate it !! cm sial !! bodobodobodo !!! urghhhhhhhh . before ak dok merapu bukan baik ak stop jer. hahaha. i hate this part !!!! urghhhhhhhhhhh that all i wanna says it ! damn fu**ing sh**!
Akhirnya !, mini projekak tok subjek web programmingsuda siap ! syukur alhamdulillah... thx kepada miss sweet forest a.k.a aiensbb help ak uat sistem kedatangan pelajar diplomaak nieyh la kan... ? tuh jer la nk ckp tok ari nieyh. Haaa korunk mst nk tgk sistem ak kan ? nieyh la mini project sistem kedatangan pelajar diploma yg ak uat ;-
Harap korunk paham2 sendiri la ea.. ak nk explain pom susa duhhh... belit2 lidah ak kang dok taip kat sini.. hahahaha... saper paham sistem ak nieyh , ak bg ucapan ‘syabas’ mner yg x phm no comment.. weeeeeee... ? k la chaw !
Hey all followers, i just want share with us about my felling rite now duhh.. finally,i got new hubby in my life.how wonderfull in my life..wah?! thank god. I hope this relationship till forever n ever perhaps.! Pray for me keyh.weeee...
p/s ; pray fo me for final project presentation with my partner yeah. I’m so scare n nerves rite now.haizzz....
sila klik link wesite perlancongan aku n partner ak tok final project presentation khamis nieyh keyh.. n bg pendapat sikit yeah.. http://www.melakasite.co.cc