whoa! today ak dapat tagged dri ekin,even ak lmbt nk post sbb x taw ayat aper ak nk ltk sbnrnya. wakakaka.! acctually ak knl dak kecik nieyh lam blog jer..to adeq ekin,thx sbb tagged akk okeyh. so nieyh la jawapan nyer;
.the last person to tag you was ?
adeq ekin yg saia sayang !
2.Your relationship with him/her?
saia anggap dia macam adeq saia.
3.Your five impressions toward him/her?
-ada ciri keperempuanan
4.The most memorable thing that he/she had ever done to you?
x der agy.
5.The most memorable words that he/she has said to you?
hurmmm tiada agy .
6.If he/she becomes your lover, you will ...
sayang dia, take care kat dia.
7.If he/she becomes your enemy, you will ...
x mao call dia or msg dia agy , n x nk amik taw agy pasal dia .
8.If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on ...
cara cm ner nk jd romantis . wakakaka !
9.If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is ...
sbb dia selalu uat saia sakit haty .
10.The most desirable things to do for him/her are ...
vacation largh ! weeeee besh..
11.Overall impression towards him/her is ...
dia seorg yg baek,take care ngan saia.
12.How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
nk tau saia cm ner ? ask me oke.
13.Who is your ideal ?
ideal ? mende tuh . x pahm jugak ! heee
14.What do you hate about yourself ?
suke nages. kalo x der org yg pujuk compom smpai pagi. wawawa..
15.For the people who care for you and like you, say something about them.
thx sbb care kat saia . i love my bff ! mmuuuaaahhhxx!
16.Bra or panties ?
bra or panties ? nth la saia x taw . wakaka
17.Chocolate or ice cream ?
semestinya chocolate . sbb nama saia pon CHOCO weeee :)
18.2 people to tag ?
Hahhh , niyh part sush . Aku takot kne balun pasniyh . Jgn marahh keh~
semua niyh smate2 untuk merapatkn silaturahim , aminn . Ahakss !!
1)cik sweetforest
2)cik niza.
19.Who is number 2 having relationship with ?
x paham soalan !
20.Is she/he a male or female ?
semestinya lelaki !
21.If number 1 and 2 got together, would that be a good thing ?
whut ? x sanggup woooo !
22.Is number 1 single?
off course la single mingle !
23.Say something to number 2.
sorry largh saia da dapat dia dulu !
24.What do you think about number 1 and 2 being together ?
meletop dunia nieyh kot wakaka !
25.Describe number 1.
chubby , cute = baek haty
26.What will you do if number 1 and 2 fight ?
diam jer la .