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Selamat Datang Ke Belog Saye . " BE NICE MY BLOG I WILL BE NICE TOO OK "

another tag dri sweetforest [aien]

aien ! thx kerana tagg ak lagi.. so nih la jawapan nyer.. :)
Arahan: 1)[printscreen] *current* wallpaper -- jz a simple press of fn+prt sc 2)REASONS why do u like/adore/cherish d dindingkertas ??? 3)tag 10 people 4)titik

1) oke saia suda printscreen.. titik !
2)saia suka wallpaper nieyh sbb simple + nice = menarik .. heee opss! cop ! lupe lak wallpaper nih bobby saia okeyh.. :) titik !

3)tag 10 people:


-for anybody yg saper rase nk tagg , tagg la okeyh.. :) saia mengalu2 akn.. weeee.. titik!


SwEetForEst said...

hehehe..bagus2..nanti aku tagg ko lg keyh.. =P

BudakCHOCO Official Blogger said...

sweet ; ngagaga okeyh2.. x der hal.. :)

ayampinko said...

nanti ga tag jugak
(walhal tag pun tak tau aper)

BudakCHOCO Official Blogger said...

ayampinko ; bole shja.. janji kamo jwp yeah.. :)

gadess niza said...

hunn,ur tagg i dah buat.

BudakCHOCO Official Blogger said...

gadess niza ; thx hunn :)

ayampinko said...

jawab aper..?

THX krn Melawat yeah XOXO !